Digibrand card and the magic of nfc connectivity

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Fully Customizable

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NFC Powered

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No App Needed

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Digital Business Cards App

Are you in need of a Digital Visiting Card for your business? Then you are in the right place. We can help you to get a Virtual Business Card at affordable rates. Using Digital Business Cards is an eco-friendly way to share your business information. There will be no more paper wastage or running out of cards. It is just like carrying a mini-website in your pocket. These cards allow you to store all your company details like business name, phone number, email etc. in a digital format. So call us today and place your order for the best digital business visiting cards.

NFC Digital Business Cards

You can also buy NFC Digital Business Cards from us at a suitable price range. You can share the details of your company with others like friends, relatives or anyone in just a tap. NFC Cards are good for those who want to see their business cards as regular cards but that is also without using paper. They are made up of different materials like metal, plastic and even wood. You can use them as much as you can. You meet someone and you want to share your business information all they need to do is tap their phone on your card. So contact us today to get NFC Business Cards at the right time.

Top Rated Digital Business Cards

We are into offering Top Rated Digital Business Cards to the people who need it. With these cards there will be no risk of forgetting, losing or damaging them. Companies can do something really cool with these cards as they can even share their business details with people who are far away. Our digital card is an Eco-Friendly Business Card that helps you save your earth with less paper use. You can network with other people with ease. So give us a call right now and get your first order.

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Smart Accessories

If clumsy is your last name, we've got you covered too. Make smart networking cool by attaching the smart coin to your phone and building connections on the go.

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Lorem Ipsum is a latin placeholder text commonly used to fulfill certain areas of your website or app where content is not the main concern of the developer.

Feedback From our Clients

Lorem Ipsum is a latin placeholder text commonly used to fulfill certain areas of your website or app where content is not the main concern of the developer.



TapTap has been a game-changer for my day to day networking. TapTap smart products make it easy for me to share my contact information with potential clients and expand my professional network and business!

Helena Gibbson
Helena Gibbson


TapTap makes sharing my contact information and portfolio easy with just a tap. Their smart products are high-quality and highly effective, making it a must-have for anyone. I highly recommend TapTap to simplify your networking efforts.

Rahul Singh
Rahul Singh


As a fashion model, I'm keep meeting new people and making connections in my industry. TapTap has made it much easier for me to stay in touch with the people I meet. I can share my contact info and portfolio with others in just a tap. Awesome product!

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TapTap is the revolutionized way of networking and social sharing. The brand leverages the NFC technology and uses the same to allow sharing of contact details easier. TapTap offers a range of personalized products for individuals and teams from every field. With the help of TapTap products such as TapTap Smartcard and TapTap Smart Coin, you can share your details with anyone in one tap.

TapTap products operate with the help of a smart chip that wirelessly shares your information with an NFC-enabled phone. The receiver’s phone shows a pop notification when your TapTap Smartcard or Smart Coin is tapped against their phone. The notification leads them to your profile where they can find all the information you've shared with them.

No, that's the part. Other person doesn't have to take the pain, not even of downloading an app. As soon as they receive a tap from your smart TapTap product, or they scan the QR card, they will receive a notification that will lead to opening your profile in their web browser.

1. Make sure their phone is TapTap compatible : accessibility Compatible Devices The phone model you have does not matter when sharing! 2. Tap on the upper front/back on the iphone. 3. TapTap can't be read when: - their phone is in airplane mode -their device flashlight is on - their phone screen is off - their camera is open

1. Make sure their phone is TapTap compatible : accessibility Compatible Devices The phone model you have does not matter when sharing! 2. Tap either on the upper back near the camera or the centre back of your android. 3. Make sure NFC is turned on in their phone settings. If their phone is on the compatible devices list and is still not reading your TapTap , go to their phone settings and search for NFC. Make sure that "NFC" is turned on! If you still have a problem with sharing, contact us

Customise Your Card In Few Clicks!

Everyone has their own personality, with TapOnn design and customise your card your way. Create unique First Impression and make connections with a Tap.

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Lorem Ipsum is a latin placeholder text commonly used to fulfill certain areas of your website or app where content is not the main concern of the developer.


Lorem Ipsum is a latin placeholder text commonly used to fulfill certain areas of your website or app where content is not the main concern of the developer.